Release Version: 1.0.1
Release Information:
- Version - 1.0.1
- Release date - 18-07-2019
- Generated and added Phyre models (where possible) for proteins with sequence length greater than 2500
Improvements / Issues Resolved:
- Updated contact email address
- Added publication site footer
- Added Elixir logo to footer
Known Issues:
- 3DMol viewer does not allow loading of compressed structure coordinate files -
experimental structure from PDB are downloaded in a compressed format for performance and efficiency
- Sometimes sequence <=> structure mappings are not generated for some experimental structures due to
SIFTS mapping not being available - in such cases sequence <=> structure colouring and communication cannot be applied
- Sometimes colour transfer does not happen due to race conditions (in other words, when the colour commands are generated
and applied prematurely as a result of a structure being downloaded / loaded slower in Jsmol). This is dependent on a lot of
factors such as the structure file size, internet connectivity speed, client machine processor speed, client machine
browser speed etc.