Release Version: 1.0.1
Release Information:
- Version - 1.0.1
- Release date - 18-07-2019
- Generated and added Phyre models (where possible) for proteins with sequence length greater than 2500
Improvements / Issues Resolved:
- Updated contact email address
- Added publication site footer
- Added Elixir logo to footer
Known Issues:
- 3DMol viewer does not allow loading of compressed structure coordinate files -
experimental structure from PDB are downloaded in a compressed format for performance and efficiency
- Sometimes sequence <=> structure mappings are not generated for some experimental structures due to
SIFTS mapping not being available - in such cases sequence <=> structure colouring and communication cannot be applied
- Sometimes colour transfer does not happen due to race conditions (in other words, when the colour commands are generated
and applied prematurely as a result of a structure being downloaded / loaded slower in Jsmol). This is dependent on a lot of
factors such as the structure file size, internet connectivity speed, client machine processor speed, client machine
browser speed etc.
Release Version: 1.0.0
Release Information:
- Version - 1.0.0
- Release date - 11-03-2019
- Scripting of interactivity for the JSMol molecular viewer
- Implementation of a ranked graphical structure selection viewer
- Ability to visualise location of variants in sequence & structure (for both standard and user-supplied variants)
- Ability to download all available structural data (experimental & predicted)
- Implemented ability to store/remember user settings / view state
- Implementation/publishing of RESTful Web-Service API end-points for interoperability
- Developed and enabled interactive guided tutorial using intro.js library
- Implementation of GDPR requirement
- Added abililty to search by Isoform Id, Ensembl Transcript, Gene or Protein Ids
Improvements / Issues Resolved:
- Updated JsMol (14.29.29)
- PhyreRisk database enhancement to accommodate additional data requirements
- Added 22,271 alternative protein sequences (Isoforms) from UniProt to PhyreRisk database
- Fixed bug preventing NGLViewer and 3DMol molecular viewer from rendering
- Enabled Google analytics tracking
- Added Plain and Structure type colour scheme to the sequence viewer
- Modified legend for 'Structure Selection' section. Selected structure now has a black boarder
- Updated default examples for 'Genetic' & 'Protein' variant(s) input page
- Provided a button to enable manual triggering of structure colour transfer to
Jsmol viewer when it does not happen automatically due to race conditions
Known Issues:
- 3DMol viewer does not allow loading of compressed structure coordinate files -
experimental structure from PDB are downloaded in a compressed format for performance and efficiency
- Sometimes sequence <=> structure mappings are not generated for some experimental structures due to
SIFTS mapping not being available - in such cases sequence <=> structure colouring and communication cannot be applied
- Sometimes colour transfer does not happen due to race conditions (in other words, when the colour commands are generated
and applied prematurely as a result of a structure being downloaded / loaded slower in Jsmol). This is dependent on a lot of
factors such as the structure file size, internet connectivity speed, client machine processor speed, client machine
browser speed etc.
Release Version: 0.2.0 (beta)
Release Information:
- Version - 0.2.0 (beta)
- Release date - 01-11-2018
- Ability to search PhyreRisk database using UniProt accession, protein name, gene name and disease name
- Addition of experimentally derived structures of human proteins from ePDB at EBI
- Integration of three molecular viewers (JSMol, 3DMol, NGLViewer)
- Integration of SIFTS resource provided by EBI to enable mapping and linking of sequence from UniProt with structure coordinates from PDB
- Integration of VEP rest service
- Provided ability to input custom variant using genomic coordinates (human build GRCh37 or GRCh38)
- Provided ability to add custom variants using protoemic coordinates
Improvements / Issues Resolved:
- Updated PhyreRisk database with 20,349 reviewed human proteins from UniProt (Nov 2018)
- Resolved bug that prevents JSMol from loading PDB coordinate files containing disulphide bonds (SSBOND)
- Added google map and address on contact page
- Resolved bug preventing search on the protein page
Known Issues:
- 3DMol viewer does not load compressed structure coordinate file - experimental structure from PDB are downloaded in a compressed format for performance and efficiency
Release Version: 0.1.0 (alpha)
Release Information:
- Version - 0.1.0 (alpha)
- Release date - 01-10-2017
- Initial design and development PhyreRisk database
- Population of PhyreRisk database with 20,214 reviewed human proteins from UniProt
- Initial responsive user interface design using mobile first approach
- PhyreRisk branding (Logo / favicon design, Colour scheme development, CSS design)
- Design and implementation of Web Alignment Viewer JavaScript (WaveJS) for visualising single protein sequences
- Integration of WaveJS (our in-house custom sequence viewer)
Improvements / Issues Resolved:
Known Issues: